The Coronado Heights PTO is organized for the purpose of supporting the education of children at Coronado Heights Elementary in Putnam City Schools. The PTO, Parent Teacher Organization, is a group consisting of parents and teachers working together to support and enrich all students.  We support school faculty and staff, help promote student self-esteem, and assist in efforts to solve school needs through volunteering and fundraising.  The PTO is made up of officers who lead the organization and members. Who can be a member?  If you're a father, mother, protector, guardian, relative of a student, friend of a student, teacher, or anyone interested in the well-being of Coronado Heights Elementary students then you can be a member; we would love to have you.  Single memberships are $5.00. All funds raised by the PTO go to support Coronado Heights Elementary students, staff, and teachers. The PTO also gives back to the Coronado Heights Elementary community.

2024 — 2025 PTO Officers

President:  Lauren Love
Vice President: Bryon Chambers
Treasurer: Kyle Rogers
Secretary: Shannon Herron

2024 — 2025 PTO Chairpersons

Dance Chair:
Teacher Appreciation Chair: Jessica Cotton
Volunteer Chair: 
Teacher Representative: Paula Galindo
Yearbook Chair: Bryon Chambers
Membership Chair:

If you are interested in serving as a chairperson, please let a PTO Officer know.  We would love to have you!

PTO Programs & Fundraising

The PTO’s primary objective is to provide Coronado Heights Elementary with funds, programs, resources, and services that will enrich and maximize the education of every child and that will benefit our school.  To meet this important objective, the PTO fundraises, holding several fundraisers throughout the year and offering a one-time donation option for families who would like to donate instead of participating in fundraisers.

How Are PTO Funds Used At Coronado Heights Elementary?

-Field Trip Support
-Technology Needs
-Classroom Money
-Activities to Promote Relationships Between Teachers, Students and Parents
-Hospitality/Appreciation for Staff
-Help As Needed To Bridge The Current Funding Gap